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China para los nuevos bárbaros
Political Science
Nola Editores, 2024
ISBN: 9788418164392
Who are the new barbarians in today’s world? In the The Western order we’ve grown accustomed to is evolving into a secondary power. We’re witnessing the collapse of parts of the geopolitical model established after World War II, while the global economic axis shifts eastward, driven by China, Asia’s driving force. In 2017, the German weekly Der Spiegel left no doubt where the world is headed with a front page that read: Xĭnglái! Wake up!
Paradoxically, despite China’s growing global influence, general knowledge about the country and its culture remains limited. Antiphon, the 5th century BC Greek sophist, observed that we know and follow the laws of our neighbours, yet remain ignorant of and disregard the laws of those who are distant.
This book aims not only to shed light on the distant—in this case, China—but also to reveal to the reader how the West is perceived through Chinese eyes. It’s a reflection in the mirror of the Other. Will the West inevitably become sinicized if China succeeds in deploying its so-called soft power to create cultural trends beyond its borders? While uncertain, this possibility grows stronger with each passing year. Since the Enlightenment, we’ve learned that moving forward doesn’t necessarily equate to progress, and that one can advance in time while regressing in spirit.
In the Media

El Mundo - LOS LIBROS Política. Junio, 2024

El País - Negocios. Junio, 2023

Ilustraciones: Miguel Panadero
Prólogo: Luis Alberto de Cuenca
Cuadernos del Laberinto, 2024
ISBN: 9788418997617
Este libro es especial. Trata del beso. Y un beso, ya se sabe, es capaz de todo. Es susceptible, como toda reacción nuclear, de producir reacciones en cadena de consecuencias imprevisibles. Un beso sirve tanto para reventar conceptos, como para reventar familias. Y también para hacer todo lo contrario. «He tenido muchos primeros besos, y todos de verdad, así que me di cuenta de que la verdad son muchas» —dijo Kostia.
Pero si con todos los besos hay que tener sumo cuidado, con el primero más. No quiere esto decir que, por lo que respecta a otros besos, incluido el osculum infame, uno se pueda relajar. Es solo que el primero es el primero, del mismo modo que ningún pecado iguala al primer pecado, al pecado original. Por ello, no te pierdas tampoco la encuesta sobre el primer beso, contenida en este Besos de otros mundos, algo novedoso e inusual en un libro de poemas.
Voy por la ciudad, buscándote.
Calle tras calle, la misma historia.
Veo en las esquinas tus besos,
no veo tu nombre en la ciudad.
¿Es posible una ciudad sin nombre?
¿Es posible un beso sin rostro?
No eres más que aquella fractura
del pensamiento, aquella esquina
del corazón, aquel instante del delirio:
la ciudad, la calle, los besos,
ni más ni menos que todo lo demás
Es increíble cómo queremos llegar
a la vida, y cómo una vez en su balcón,
antes de tocar los labios de su barandilla,
ya nos vamos dando cuenta,
de que no es tan fácil llegar a ella,
pues sin saber cómo, ni por dónde,
van apareciendo barreras,
una tras otra, y la que ya parecía
que tocábamos con la yema de los dedos,
desaparece, se agranda y se multiplica.
Es todo un arte mantener la sed de llegar,
pues otra vez sin saber cómo ni por dónde
se va apagando el vuelo de las sensaciones,
y antes de que lleguemos a saciarnos, nos
volvemos a dar cuenta de que lo que va
quedando, no es, ni por asomo, lo que
andábamos buscando, y entonces, aquel
beso de la vida, que ansiábamos, estrangula
el aire, y da cuenta también del vuelo,
negándonos, incluso, haber volado.
Besos de otros mundos
Ilustraciones: Miguel Panadero
Prólogo: Luis Alberto de Cuenca
Cuadernos del Laberinto, 2024
ISBN: 9788418997617
Este libro es especial. Trata del beso. Y un beso, ya se sabe, es capaz de todo. Es susceptible, como toda reacción nuclear, de producir reacciones en cadena de consecuencias imprevisibles. Un beso sirve tanto para reventar conceptos, como para reventar familias. Y también para hacer todo lo contrario. «He tenido muchos primeros besos, y todos de verdad, así que me di cuenta de que la verdad son muchas» —dijo Kostia.
Pero si con todos los besos hay que tener sumo cuidado, con el primero más. No quiere esto decir que, por lo que respecta a otros besos, incluido el osculum infame, uno se pueda relajar. Es solo que el primero es el primero, del mismo modo que ningún pecado iguala al primer pecado, al pecado original. Por ello, no te pierdas tampoco la encuesta sobre el primer beso, contenida en este Besos de otros mundos, algo novedoso e inusual en un libro de poemas.
Voy por la ciudad, buscándote.
Calle tras calle, la misma historia.
Veo en las esquinas tus besos,
no veo tu nombre en la ciudad.
¿Es posible una ciudad sin nombre?
¿Es posible un beso sin rostro?
No eres más que aquella fractura
del pensamiento, aquella esquina
del corazón, aquel instante del delirio:
la ciudad, la calle, los besos,
ni más ni menos que todo lo demás
Es increíble cómo queremos llegar
a la vida, y cómo una vez en su balcón,
antes de tocar los labios de su barandilla,
ya nos vamos dando cuenta,
de que no es tan fácil llegar a ella,
pues sin saber cómo, ni por dónde,
van apareciendo barreras,
una tras otra, y la que ya parecía
que tocábamos con la yema de los dedos,
desaparece, se agranda y se multiplica.
Es todo un arte mantener la sed de llegar,
pues otra vez sin saber cómo ni por dónde
se va apagando el vuelo de las sensaciones,
y antes de que lleguemos a saciarnos, nos
volvemos a dar cuenta de que lo que va
quedando, no es, ni por asomo, lo que
andábamos buscando, y entonces, aquel
beso de la vida, que ansiábamos, estrangula
el aire, y da cuenta también del vuelo,
negándonos, incluso, haber volado.
Grito de amor
Illustrations: Miguel Panadero
Prologue: Antón Alvar Ezquerra
Cuadernos del Laberinto, 2022
ISBN: 9788418997211
“There are those who say the only thing that matters is filling the void, and more specifically, the void of our cavities. That is why we are often obsessed by one of them, whether it’s that of the sex, the heart, or the head itself, apparently the most innocuous, and we are consumed by the little wisdom at our disposal. In this Grito de amor, stories, poems, and a few theories come together that aspire to fill those voids, to make us feel a little better, or to warn us of certain things. “If the signs irritate you, oh! How much more will the things they signify irritate you!” -says Pantagruel.
Anthology of minimal literature. 100 authors
Anthologists: Enrique Gracia Trinidad and Alicia Arés
Cuadernos del Laberinto, 2021
ISBN: 9788418997075
This anthology gathers 100 essential authors of contemporary literature in Spanish and their short works, i.e., poetic pieces, epigrams, soleares, greguerías, aphorisms, apothegms, proverbs, aeroliths, paremias, sentences, maxims, tenths, doloras, humoradas, haikus, tankas….
In the case of poems, short texts are undoubtedly a very desirable dish. Not because poetry should be brief, which is not the case, nor because of that “what is good if brief is twice as good”; but because the condensation that poetic already carries in its entrails, is magnified by the small -sorry for playing the oxymoron-, and that extreme condensation, that going to the point and avoiding the chaff, is much appreciated by the good reader who is quickly placed in the reflection, in complicity and in the suspension of mood, extremes that always suit the poetic reading.
By the way, if someone thinks that this book is a bit of a tailor’s drawer, he is absolutely right, but let us not forget that without everything that tailors carry in their drawer we would end up rather naked and that is not the case. Let’s use these pages to help us dress, if not our flesh, then our fantasy, our wit and our emotions.
World Graffiti
In the Media
Alfredo Boto-Hervás, September 2021
Alfredo Boto-Hervás, May 2021
Other genres
Prologue by Pastron#7
English translation by Nick Line
Colección Anaquel de Pensamiento
Cuadernos del Laberinto, 2020
ISBN: 9788412280876
Some people think graffiti is art; some that it is a means to send a message, and there are also those who simply think graffiti is junk. But whatever you think, graffiti is created by its authors in a spirit of stoicism, accepting their anonymity and the fact that their work could disappear the minute it is finished. Graffiti is the Mono no aware, the feeling that expresses the fleeting nature of things; that these creations are beautiful precisely because of their impermanence.
This book is composed of fifty stories inspired by fifty graffiti from different cities around the world that tell —through their hallmark of finitude— how we are all unique and ephemeral at the same time.
Winning work of the I International Award Cuadernos del Laberinto de Pensamiento, 2020
La geografía del erizo
Illustrations: Miguel Panadero
Prologue: Juan Vicente Piqueras Salinas
Cuadernos del Laberinto, 2020
ISBN: 9788412130935
Just as Xu Guangqi (徐光啟), also known as Paolo Xu after converting to Christianity in 1603 under the influence of Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci, asserted that East and West shared common principles, the sea urchins of this geography break their silence and speak to us directly, and in their way call for a terra communis, where it’s places that make love and within which one breathes deeply before saying goodbye. They seem to be clear that identity is only confirmed when other identities capture our signs of life and return them: Pink Floyd sang Is there anybody out there? This Hegelian echo is fundamental, even if one carries spines, because this is what dictates to every being the imperious need for the presence of another, even though bristly fear and hatred will inevitably, although paradoxically, arise from that need. Nothing destroys us more, wrote George Steiner, than the silence of another human being. Hence Lear’s foolish fury at Cordelia and Kafka’s profound observation that many men survived the siren’s song but none their silence.
To combat this annihilating silence, one must first have a tendency toward the other, and secondly, be able to rouse their echo, so that it accompanies us. Hence, perhaps, the last verses, somewhat ethylic, of this book:
When I take you by the hand,
I no longer imagine we’ll need
to grow spines to save ourselves;
Instead, I imagine myself marching
toward the world,
as if it were on my side.
It must be the wine!
Short story, Art, 2017
ISBN: 9788417023928
Singapore, New York, Beijing, Madrid and many other locations around the world are the inspiration for more than 50 stories, each a reply to a painterly inquiry.
The result is Dibugrafías, as clear an example as any of “writing on the move”, creating wherever, free from the shackles of “sitting down to write” and the setting for such enigmatic characters as the numbered woman, the headless man or Mister No.
José Felix Valdivieso, a graduate of Law, as well as East Asian Studies, has a passion for languages, from Yoruba to Japanese, along with Chinese. He is the Communications Director at IE Business School and the author of the 2010 book Cosas y murciélagos (Things and Bats), published by Incipit Editores.
Miguel Panadero is a multi-faceted artist, engaged in a lifelong quest through painting, illustration and sculpture. His art, a reflection of the human condition and our relationship with our environment, has featured in numerous one-man and collective exhibitions.
Cosas y murciélagos
Short story
CYAN, 2010
ISBN: 9788481988215
The world is travelling at 01 speed, unable to keep up with its own narration. These Things and bats are a bridge, a way of holding onto the world, of approaching the words of these things and the bats that live in it. Things, bats, you and me, are all points and the connections between two points and the bridge we have to extend to know ourselves as “existed”.
The magic is in connecting, and for that magic not to be broken, we need to be alert to all inclemency, because when one least expects it, suddenly, along comes a shout and finishes everything off.
José Félix Valdivieso
José Félix Valdivieso was born in Brussels, later graduating in East Asian Studies (specializing in Chinese) from UAM and in Law from UCM. He also holds an Executive MBA from IE Business School. He has traveled the world in search of languages, from Ancient and Modern Greek, as well as Russian, German, Chinese Japanese…and has now set about unravelling the language of the street—perhaps the most cyphered—through its graffiti. A problem, because as Ayako says in Love, one of the stories featured in this book “all languages are imprecise, and when they are precise they are so in their own way and she says that she knows this all too well because she translates, not just words and languages, but like everybody else, life, love, into something more chewable,” and that’s where the problems start, because everybody understands in their own way, and everybody’s way is their own way, not so precise…
At present
José Félix is also Chairman of IE China Center and author of the book Graffiti of the World, the poetry collection La Geografía del Erizo (Cuadernos del Laberinto, 2020), as well as the short story collection Dibugrafías ( 2017) and Cosas y Murciélagos (Incipit Editores, 2010).